Loren: No. That’s perfect. And I I always just like to say too, the technology should really empower the humans to do what they do best is building these relationships with the students. Right? And understanding, like, what their their dream career is, what’s gonna be a good match, what’s gonna be a good fit. Right? And so if we’re just training to the click, great, but, like, well, how can you use this information to to build that relationship? Perfect. Yes. I think we could talk about that all day. I would love to know, though, why are you excited about flow stack? Maybe why is it something different that you that you’ve seen before?
Sasha: Is that for me?
Mickey: Well Sasha, go ahead. Sasha, take care of it.
Sasha: So I was gonna say to to your point, Loren, what people are great at is connecting with people. That that’s something that can never be replaced. Even you can have the the best chat with chat GPT you’ve ever had. At the end of the day, you still know it’s a machine, and maybe twenty years from now, it’ll be better, but but it’s not there yet. No bot can replace a person with the context and the empathy and the connections that that humans create. And so what part of the reason why you you don’t always get to leverage that with people is because of what we’re just talking about, which is there is the task at hand, which is responding to a very specific question. And in a world where most enrollment today is sort of kind of blast information, I’m gonna try to get, you know, the most generic majors and the most generic pictures and the most generic activities out to all the students I’m recruiting, which is a very, very big net at the moment, it’s gonna be difficult for me versus you versus Mickey to be like, oh, that’s really connecting with me. So I might send you an email that says, “Hey, do you have rock climbing walls in your recreational sports facility?” What FloStack allows you to do is get really precise information instantly. And that and you and not everything, obviously. Right? Otherwise, you’d have an infinite scrolling page of of information. But if if you ask the right amount of information from the inquiry, from the prospective student, and get them targeted information right away that answers, do you have the programs looking for? Do you have the activities I’m looking for? Am I gonna find my people on that campus? Can I afford the campus you’re going to? And how do I get there? How do I get more information? If all that is kinda taken off the the the plate right away, that then allows it provided that you’ve got this connected system like Mickey was talking about, that the next conversation can be actually more meaningful. And they are not answering these, like, very, very basic questions over and over and over again and getting into the detail about what is that one additional piece of information that they needs to know whether this is the right thing or not. So that’s what excites me the most is that number one, it’s different. That’s kinda what I said at the very beginning that everything now is kinda the same. This is a very different experience that campuses just don’t have right now. And more importantly, it supercharges the real powerful recruiters that are on that campus and gets them off of the basic q and a and into the more specific information that’s really gonna help get that student excited about getting on campus.
Mickey: Here’s what I like about it, and I’m gonna, I think, continue a little bit with what you’re saying, Sasha. I mean, the the instant piece is is important. You know? Everything we know about consumer behavior, but a lot of what we know about human behaviors is we want instant gratification. When we fill out that form as a prospective student, it’s because they have an interest in that moment. We want to extend that moment. And extending the moment isn’t filling out a form and waiting a few minutes for an email in inbox because by the time that in email comes, even if it’s instant, by the time I toggle over to the inbox, guess what? I just got distracted by another email, and that’s me as an adult.
Guess what the teenager’s not doing? Going to their email after they submit a form. Like, we need to provide opportunities to extend the conversation, and that is one of the things from the student side. That’s what I really love about it. From the staff side, you know, the one of the conversations I’ve I’ve had for many years, probably every year I’ve been consulting is is trying to understand each prospective student’s journey.
What we what I call the messy middle of the funnel. Not my term, but it is a term I leverage daily because what we really wanna do is understand what a student is interested in that moment. And I I think was it yesterday or sometime this week? I actually posted on LinkedIn about this. I got a question for someone, like, you know, if, you know, we’re talking about emails that that we might get from a student.
Well, what are the emails that would get my son interested? You know, and I responded with, like, here are the questions he wants right now. But that’s the thing is, those are the questions right now. If you were to ask try to email him four weeks ago, the questions would have been different. And so what do we know about the student right now?
So if I’m engaging with them now, what their questions are and what to answer. We need to learn more about that. And that’s what FloStack opens the door and allows us to do So that when we have that conversation, again, regardless of the medium, when we have the conversation, we can have a guided conversation, that’s more informed and helps that student where they are right now today. That is so important, and we need tools like FloStack for that purpose.
Mickey: Yeah. And if I could just add one thing there, I think the guided conversation is is really important also because the other thing that FloStack gives you is a guided ability to tell people what they should be interested in. Right? We can we know Yep. What it is about your campus that you wanna highlight. What is the great new professor you have, the great new program you’ve got, the great new financial aid program you’ve got. How can you elevate that? Because the problem with the innovations of AI is it depends entirely on the user knowing what to ask. And and that’s great in some cases because they do wanna know what to ask, but sometimes you wanna create a curated experience where you’re walking them down a road and you get that information very quickly and then allow them to get deeper down the line.